Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Barranquilla "breathes theatre"

Before leaving for Columbia I didn't know what to expect, but after coming back I can say with all honestly that my expectations were more than met. The people working the festival of Enitbar (Encuentro Nacional y Internacional Teatro de Barranquilla) were amazing individuals. From the moment we arrived they really took us under their wing and made us feel safe. I can not begin to express how much gratitude I feel towards every one of them. They made our trip comfortable and allowed us to see the true spirit of Barranquilla. It is hard for me to pick a favorite moment from the trip, but one that stands out in my mind is dancing to the music of a group in Barranquilla and learning their traditional Columbian dances. Not only was it a learning experience, but also a truly fun time. Not one person sat down. Everyone just got up, let go of any inhibitions, and simply danced! To me this sums up the culture of Barranquilla. They say that Barranquilla "breathes theatre" and I most definitely felt this breath while there. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I will be forever greatful to all those who supported us and made this trip possible. Thank you.

"Verde que te quiero verde, green as I would have you be. "

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


“Lorca in a Green Dress” by Nilo Cruz
Directed by Jennifer S. Holmes
Assistant Director - Gustavo Geirola
Stage Manager - Jennifer Spiegelman
Cast List
BLOOD - Cesar Castellanos
FLAMENCO DANCER - Danielle Darling
GREEN DRESS - Christopher Davis
BICYCLE PANTS - Ashley Delzell
GENERAL - Benjamin Mitchell
DESIRE - Jennice Ontiveros
WOMAN - Ashley Ramos
HITE SUIT - Michael Raygoza
GUARD - Leah Sigler


Before leaving to Colombia...

I am Currently In Sevilla, Spain. I depart Sunday to meet with the rest of the cast of Lorca in a Green Dress in Barranquilla. I am extremely excited and so grateful for the opportunity Jenn and Gustavo have provided for us! This is and experince of a life time! I have just spent my last 4 months immerging myself in the spanish culture and fullfilling my life long dream to study flamenco, IN SPAIN!! I am excited to come to the production with a fresh new look. I have walked the same streets Lorca once walked, I have read his poetry and fallen even more in love with his words of beauty and i hope this with aid me and the cast as a whole at giving an even more heart felt perfomance in Columbia!

Danielle Bernadette Darling

Saturday, April 25, 2009